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Fixing Medicare a Priority

Posted on 28 October 2022

In today’s Daily Telegraph, responding to the recent reports about Medicare rorts, the persistence of the two-tier rebate system and the lack of investment in mental healthcare, Executive Director Tegan Carrison says now is the time that Medicare must be fixed.

“The real issue is the complexity, confusion and issues with a dysfunctional system,” she says.

“Medicare is chronically underfunded and riddled with needless complexity and inconsistencies.”

Highlighting that Medicare rebates have barely increased in over a decade, Tegan reveals that the two-tier rebate system for psychologists has cost clients $150 million in the past financial year alone. 

The Federal Government’s Budget statement: “By protecting and strengthening Medicare we ensure no one is left behind” is a hollow promise if we do not see greater investment in and more equitable access to mental health care under Medicare. 

AAPi will continue to raise our voice on these issues.