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AAPi Update

Posted on 11 April 2024

This week, our team have engaged in diverse activities to foster collaboration, support our members, and influence policy and practice across various healthcare and allied services sectors. Our participation spanned from rural and remote practitioner initiatives to industry-wide working groups, highlighting our commitment to representing and supporting our community across multiple fronts.

We took an active role in consultations for the National Allied Health Workforce Strategy, which is critical for shaping the future of healthcare services. Our presence was notably felt at the NSW senate, where we contributed to the Birth Trauma inquiry, underscoring our commitment to addressing and advocating for issues of significant impact.

In the disability sector, we were part of a working group, contributing our expertise to enhance services and support. Similarly, we engaged in a reference group meeting focused on developing a framework for assessing children's strengths and support needs, a testament to our dedication to fostering environments that recognise and nurture individual abilities.

Our participation extended to the independent review of iCare and various government working groups, including the Federal Government Digital Health and Primary Care Working Groups, which are pivotal in integrating technology with health care to improve client outcomes.

Our advocacy efforts have also been in full swing, with scheduled meetings to push for increased fees for legal aid work. This reflects our commitment to ensuring equitable access to justice and support for those in need. Similarly, our involvement in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation is a testament to our forward-looking approach to enhancing the profession's impact and reach.

Engaging with the next generation of psychologists through university visits has been incredibly rewarding. It allows us to connect with, inspire, and learn from those who will shape the future of our profession.

On the submissions front, we've finalised several important documents, including the Autism CRC framework for assessing children's functional strengths and support needs, a university sector submission to bolster employment-relevant knowledge and skills, the National Optimal Care Pathways Framework, and contributions to the Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program. These submissions represent significant milestones in our ongoing efforts to inform policy and practice in areas critical to our community's well-being.

In summary, this week has seen us actively engage in a diverse array of initiatives, working groups, and consultations that collectively aim to enhance the field of psychology, support our members, and improve the lives of those we serve. Our efforts reflect a multifaceted approach to advocacy, innovation, and collaboration, underscoring our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the health and well-being of individuals and communities across the country.