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AAPi Update

Posted on 26 April 2024

This past fortnight the AAPi team have been busy working on advocacy endeavours to enhance mental health services and support for psychologists across Australia. From submissions advocating for better after-hours care, to our active participation in national discussions on digital health and disaster resilience, our efforts are geared towards creating a more robust and accessible mental health system.


Advocating for After-Hours Services

AAPi has submitted a proposal advocating for a significant increase in Medicare rebate fees for psychological services provided during after-hours. Our goal is to make mental health care more affordable and accessible, to encourage psychologists to offer extended service hours, and improve the overall availability of after-hours psychological support. This change will help reduce the financial burden on consumers, incentivise more psychologists to offer after-hours services, and ensure better mental health outcomes through timely care.


Strengthening Australia’s Disaster Resilience

Our latest submission addresses the need for enhanced mental health services during climate-related disasters. We are advocating for permanent Medicare item numbers to provide immediate financial support and easier access to psychological services without a GP referral during disasters. This initiative aims to better support mental health providers and ensure effective care during critical times, enhancing the resilience of communities facing such crises.


Engagement with NDIS Registration Taskforce

AAPi has actively participated in a Roundtable discussion with the NDIS Registration Taskforce, providing insights and further written submissions regarding the NDIS registration review.


Participation in CSIRO-Sparked Clinical Design Working Group

We attended a working group focused on the urgent need for interoperability within healthcare technology. We are advocating for systems that work seamlessly across services and alleviate workforce strain, to enhance care across Australia.


Additional Submissions Regarding NSW Services and Birth Trauma

Following our appearance before the Committee in Sydney, AAPi was requested to make an additional submission to the NSW Birth Trauma Select Committee to provide further recommendations focused on Rural and Remote access and NSW-specific recommendations. Our recommendations focus on increasing funding and support for mental health services in rural and remote areas. AAPi was also requested to provide recommendations for what the NSW Government could do if the Federal Government failed to take action.

These solutions included:

  • Increasing the percentage of PHN funding spent on mental health service provision.
  • Campaigns to increase the number of psychologists employed in NSW Health. An essential requirement would be removing endorsement requirements for psychologists within NSW Health. Psychologists should be employed and promoted based on skills and experience, not limited by area of endorsement.
  • Develop a NSW pilot for funding provisional psychologists, similar to a Medicare rebate scheme.
  • State-based Government funded Medicare “gap-free” payments to those most vulnerable.


WorkCover QLD Submission

Our submission to WorkCover QLD emphasised the need for equitable remuneration and proposed a higher standard consultation fee, to adequately compensate psychologists' time and expertise. The recommendations included adjusting fees for psychological reports and case conferencing to reflect the actual effort, expertise and resources involved. The submission also called for modifications to the practice of requesting full client records, advocating instead for paid comprehensive reports that focus on relevant details without unnecessary administrative burden.


Federal Government Digital Programs Involvement

AAPi remains actively involved in several digital initiatives for the federal government. Our activities have included enhancing digital health services like My Health Record integration and Provider Connect Australia to streamline healthcare provider communications and reduce administrative burdens by enabling secure and efficient information sharing across different health service providers, and participating in critical Digital Health Working Group and Clinical Reference Groups focusing on policy implementation, clinical advice, and secure messaging standards. AAPi is working collaboratively to influence national standards for digital health to ensure psychologists' perspectives and requirements are considered.


Ongoing Advocacy for Mental Health in Chronic Disease Management

Our submission to the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions called for integrated and accessible mental health services as part of chronic disease management. This includes advocating for systemic changes to prioritise mental health, improve public education, and adapt services to meet cultural and socioeconomic needs.

As we progress, AAPi continues to vigorously advocate for policies ensuring all psychologists are supported, accessible and valued. We thank all our members for their ongoing support and engagement in these crucial efforts.