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AAPi Update

Posted on 4 April 2024

As we close the chapter on our inaugural national conference, we reflect on how our community has grown stronger and more connected. The conference's success, marked by the vibrant exchange of knowledge and experiences, signifies a milestone in our journey together. We are delighted to offer on-demand access for those who could not join us in person.

We are thrilled to share news of the first wave of successful substantial equivalence cases under the new Psychology Board eligibility criteria. We continue to grow our knowledge of how to assist members in gaining recognition of their qualifications through Area of Practice Endorsement. We have also received information that the Psychology Board is approving supervisor status for the newly approved substantial equivalence endorsement area for existing supervisors. For more detailed information and assistance with substantial equivalence we encourage you to visit our website.

Our commitment to addressing pressing issues remains steadfast. A recent grant with Federal Government funding of up to $55.8 million to grow the psychology profession conspicuously excludes MPP and 4 AoPE (educational and developmental, forensic, organisational and sport and exercise psychology), a decision AAPi was vehemently opposed to. We remain concerned about the messaging the Government is listening to.

Research has unveiled a staggering eightfold increase in suicide rates among youth, directly correlating with the lack of availability of the mental health workforce. The study examines the relationship between the supply of mental health professionals and the incidence of youth suicide across different regions. The findings underscore the critical need for strategic planning and resource allocation to address this urgent public health issue. Now is the time to increase the number and diversity of the psychology profession, not reduce it.

As we navigate the many challenges and opportunities of 2024 together, our commitment to learning, advocacy, and research continues to strengthen. We look forward to building on these foundations, armed with new insights and a shared resolve for positive change.