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AAPi in the Media

Posted on 19 February 2024

In response to an article in The Australian "NDIS misses autism checks" (see attached), AAPi Chief Services Officer Amanda Curran wrote a letter to the editor, saying the article implied that families on the scheme are being given fistfuls of cash rather than accessing the actual services they need. 

"It takes an incredible amount of effort to get on to the NDIS and if someone has met the relevant criteria then they have demonstrated a genuine need for support. These are not people out to rip off the taxpayer. They are people who have genuine love and concern for their children," the letter read.

"Currently, there is extreme anxiety across the disabled community because of proposed cuts to the NDIS.

"To be cut from the scheme could impact the trajectory of a person’s life and their opportunity to participate meaningfully in the world.

"And if these vulnerable children are booted out of the NDIS, this is essentially just shifting the cost of services from one department to another.

"We would like to remind anyone on the scheme that the Australian Association of Psychologists, along with other allied health peak bodies, is working with the government to ensure that those who need disability support are flagged and can access the support they need."