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AAPi Update - 5 July 2024

As we announced on Friday, 28 June, after many long years of advocacy, we have finally achieved a price increase of 3.9% for most NDIS psychology items.

AAPi advocated strongly for a price increase following many approaches from our members about the financial challenges practices and psychologists are experiencing. We thank all our members who contributed to this positive outcome, which will directly impact the availability of psychologists within the NDIS. To those who made submissions and participated in the consultations, we thank you for your advocacy. This again demonstrates that we are stronger together. Read the full update here.

A series of changes to the Health Practitioner National Law have come into effect, including new powers to prevent unregistered practitioners from treating patients, and the ability for a practitioner’s alternative name to be listed on the register alongside their legal name. Ahpra has new powers to remove information from the public register that could put the safety of health practitioners' families or colleagues at risk. This includes risks stemming from family, domestic, or other violence. AAPi advocated very strongly for this and other protective measures for psychologists.

You can read more about the new changes at the National Law Amendments page.

AAPi provided professional advice during the consultation, and our voice has been reflected well. We highlighted our concerns that mental health support options for practitioners are very important and that vexatious complainants pose very serious and common concern for psychologists. This psychosocial workplace hazard must be acknowledged and addressed.

This week, we shared a webinar recording on the Scope of Practice Review from an allied health perspective. The Review holds great promise for addressing the two-tier system and ensuring that all psychologists can work to the top of their full scope of practice.

Other activities this week have included sector-wide Primary Care meetings, update meetings with Services Australia and the Department of Health, Digital Health Working Group participation and representation at the Reference Group for the development of a framework for assessing, differentiating and reporting children's function strengths and support needs which is part of the NDIS reforms.