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AAPi Update - 27 June 2024

AAPi Key Activities this week:

  • Psychosocial Early Intervention Service Workshop. AAPi attended this meeting as the sole representative of the psychology profession and the allied health workforce. This group is instrumental in the redesign of the psychosocial stream of the NDIS and will provide recommendations into the development of the co-design approach and involvement of the co-design itself with other agencies such as consumer and carer representative groups, mental health commissions, other key health stakeholder groups and government agencies. At this meeting, we raised the importance of receiving the correct evidence from the most appropriate provider rather than relying on workforces that are often inaccessible to those with psychosocial disability, such as psychiatry. We also stressed the importance of addressing underserved populations such as CALD, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and rural and remote-located individuals. We will provide further updates as this work continues. 
  • DVA/Open Arms Provider meeting. We thank member Jane McFadden for her representation alongside AAPi staff at this meeting. The annual 3.5% indexation for DVA items was discussed during this meeting. AAPi put forth a strong opinion that this increase is insufficient and that for many practices, taking on DVA clients puts a significant financial strain on their practice, increasing risks of ongoing economic viability. AAPi will continue to approach the Minister about the inappropriately low fees, noting that this was a significant barrier to care for the DVA community, as shared during recent testimony at the Royal Commission. AAPi also raised the issues with the Open Arms tender process for Outreach Program Counsellors and the stress this was putting on consumers of Open Arms services and providers. The chair indicated that some interim measures will be implemented to ensure continuity of care and that work is taking place to ensure providers can continue to work with their clients.
  • The Neurodiversity Interest Group Steering Committee also undertook further work in reviewing and making recommendations for changes to training materials for GPs to adapt their care more appropriately to address Chronic Disease management in those with Intellectual Disabilities. We thank the group for their continuing support with these important endeavours.
  • AAPi’s Amanda Curran met with AusRoads as a consultant to inform their work around Autism and driving. Amanda will review print materials that have been developed to support consumers.
  • We met with the NDIA's technical advisory branch late last week. The agency is planning a series of webinars later this year to support our members in achieving the best outcomes for their clients and adapting their approach to be consistent with the NDIS's goals and aims. 
  • We are also continuing our work with the Autism CRC to assess children's support needs; this project continues with a meeting on Friday.
  • AAPi attended a Scope of Practice Review webinar to gain further insights into this important review.
  • We have made excellent progress with WorkSafe regarding the aggressive tactics of some third parties demanding full client files. We will soon have an official statement to share with members.
  • We are approaching a consultation and submission-heavy few weeks, and we are working on finalising these to ensure psychologists, their clients, and the communities they work with are represented.