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AAPi Update - 6 June 2024

It has been another busy and eventful period. In the past weeks, we have engaged in many deep conversations about the trajectory and future of psychology. While much of what AAPi does on a daily basis may not be immediately visible, our background work is crucial in shaping the landscape of psychology and mental health. Much of our work takes months or years to come to fruition.

We have some wins to announce:

We have achieved some excellent recommendations through a NSW mental health inquiry with state-based and national significance. This has the potential to end the two-tier system in the public sector.

We have achieved recognition of all psychologists to provide services under WorkCover in WA. Previously, only psychologists with clinical or counselling endorsement were allowed in the scheme.

We have achieved powerful recommendations to improve mental health care related to birth trauma.

AAPi's Amanda Curran has been appointed the psychology and whole of allied health rep for the NDIA working group designing an early intervention pathway for psychosocial disability. As part of this project, Amanda has upcoming workshops regarding the scope of work, potential solutions, and ways forward.

We have been instrumental in proposed legislation for the modernisation of Medicare and bulk billing changes.

Please note my use of we as a collective. AAPi is a community of peers working together to achieve positive changes and share the highs and lows together. We do not operate in a bubble. We work collaboratively and diligently as a community and a sector to stand up for what is necessary and beneficial.

AAPi provided expert advice and opinion on the Australian Government's Select Inquiry into the cost-of-living crisis. We expressed our deep concerns about this ongoing stressor for Australians, how it impacts access to basic healthcare and the impacts on mental health. We provided strong recommendations to raise the Medicare rebate and other measures to improve the current status of mental health care in Australia. 

Other key activities this week:

  • AI Governance work
  • Digital interoperability working group participation
  • Allied Health Sector Primary Care Working group
  • Further advocacy work to include psychology in the paid placement scheme
  • Posed questions in Senate Estimates
  • NDIS roundtable participation
  • WorkSafe Victoria advocacy meeting
  • Advocacy to increase psychology funding for legal aid
  • Meetings with the Department of Health to ensure psychology is strongly represented
  • PHN meetings
  • Established a peer group to support psychologists through the notifications and complaints process
  • NDIS registration task force participation
  • Finalised submissions for the National Autism Strategy, the Scope of Practice review, the NDIS Amendment Bill and the National Guidelines for Including Mental Health and Wellbeing in Early Childhood Health Checks.

Next week, I will be representing psychology at the Scope of Practice Review Phase 3 Workshop.

Thank you to each and every AAPi member for your support. We exist to serve and represent you!