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Better Access Changes - Update

Posted on 27 May 2024

AAPi is aware of incorrect or confusing information being disseminated regarding the Government’s proposed changes to Better Access commencing 1 November 2025. As AAPi has been receiving direct questions about this topic, with references to inaccurate third-party information, we wanted to clarify the situation.

On Friday 24 May, we confirmed with the Department of Health and Aged Care that the inference in some articles that only people registered with MyMedicare could access Better Access is inaccurate. The only minor correction from what AAPi included in our summary on 17 May relates to an error made on the fact sheet by Services Australia that no passage of legislation was required to implement the changes. A disallowable instrument will be tabled, and legislation will need to be passed to allow these changes to occur. 

No policy changes have occurred, and assertions that the government has softened or changed its proposed Better Access policies are, to the best of our knowledge, incorrect.

To avoid any confusion, the proposed changes to be implemented on 1 November 2025 with regard to referrals are:

  • Patients registered with MyMedicare should be referred to Better Access by their MyMedicare registered practice. 
  • Patients who are not registered in MyMedicare will still be able to be referred to Better Access from their usual GP.

You can read the full details of the proposed Better Access changes in this fact sheet, supplied by the Department of Health and Aged Care on Friday 24 May.

AAPi continues working with the government and the Department of Health and Aged Care to garner a clear definition of “usual GP” and advocate for real and beneficial policy change. As always, we will keep members updated with developments.