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Changes to substantial equivalence

Changes to substantial equivalence


PGC Legal has been providing strategic legal advice and representation to AAPi since 2019. A significant joint project has been our work in advocating for real change for AAPi’s members in how the Psychology Board of Australia deals with applications for area of practice endorsement (AoPE), and broadening the pool of applicants that are eligible for AoPE.

As a result of our work, on 29 January 2024 the Psychology Board of Australia announced they have updated how psychologists’ applications for AoPE are assessed, and released a new application form.  Read the announcement.

Join Ashlee Provis, Special Counsel at PGC Legal and Tegan Carrison, Executive Director of AAPi, as they discuss: 

  • The legal framework of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law as it relates to AoPE and substantial equivalence; 
  • A short history of the Psychology Board of Australia’s approach to substantial equivalence; 
  • The Psychology Board’s recent announcement in relation to applications for AoPE; 
  • How to make an application for AoPE based on substantial equivalence using the new application form, and what the Psychology Board will look for when assessing the application; 
  • What to include to strengthen your application and maximise your chances of success; 
  • What options you have if your application is unsuccessful; 
  • Q&A; 
  • A special offer for AAPi members for assistance in preparing your application for AoPE based on substantial equivalence.

Please note, this is an AAPi Members only event. The recording of this webinar will also only be available to Members.

Our special presenter: Ashlee Provis

Ashlee Provis has over a decade of litigation and dispute resolution experience. The bulk of her current practice relates to assisting health practitioners obtain professional registration and comply with their legal and ethical obligations and supporting practitioners in dealing with Notifications and disciplinary proceedings brought by the various Health Practitioner Boards



Webinar timing: 7:00 – 8:00 pm AEDT

Access to the recording of this webinar: A recording of this webinar will be available through the CPD Webinar Library, but for the best experience and the opportunity to ask your questions, join us live. Everyone who registers will be advised via email as soon as the recording is available. Members have unlimited access to the recording.

Thursday, 08 February 2024
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (AEDT)
$0 - $30
1 CPD Points